Opéra Scan en X majeur
medical scan of model boat from marseille naval museum/ Ferry Boat in Marseille is famous as shorter distance for a boat transporting persons.
medical scan of model boat from marseille naval museum/ Ferry Boat in Marseille is famous as shorter distance for a boat transporting persons.
One of relation ship between Comex Cie and NASA to experiment scaphandre under mediterranean sea.
One of relation ship between Comex Cie and NASA to experiment scaphandre under mediterranean sea.
Different medical scan views of ferry-boat’s model.
Cooperation between Marseille Naval Museum and Marseille Timone Hospital.
Cooperation between Marseille Naval Museum and Marseille Timone Hospital.
Shell : Nautil : Medical Scan. From Longchamp Museum, Marseille.
Shell : Nautil : Medical Scan. From Longchamp Museum, Marseille.
Entire electromagnetism field of medical scan of toy seaplane and helicopter.
Entire electromagnetism field of medical scan of toy seaplane and helicopter.
Museum d’Histoire
Visit to Palais Longchamp Museum, Marseille.
Visit to Palais Longchamp Museum, Marseille.
Travel inside boat models from Navy Museum, Marseille
Travel inside boat models from Navy Museum, Marseille
Mobylette bleue 1959
x-ray of vintage famous Philippe Moutte’s bleu mob.
x-ray of vintage famous Philippe Moutte’s bleu mob.
Objectif X
Some of different works during artistic residency in Marseille Hospitals
Some of different works during artistic residency in Marseille Hospitals
Pr Michel Panuel
Pr Michel Panuel show us how to scan an toy seaplane.
Pr Michel Panuel show us how to scan an toy seaplane.
Mammo docteur
Visit to Mamography screaning with GoproCamera fixed at the head of doctor.
Visit to Mamography screaning with GoproCamera fixed at the head of doctor.
Mammo patient
Visit to mamography screaning with Gopro Camera fixed at the head of patient.
Visit to mamography screaning with Gopro Camera fixed at the head of patient.
Visit to mamography office.
Visit to mamography office.
Travel inside a woman breast.
Travel inside a woman breast.
Artistic totem built in live during meeting of Pr Nadine Girard to drive away the evil spirits.
Artistic totem built in live during meeting of Pr Nadine Girard to drive away the evil spirits.
HipHop IRM
Gaspard d’Ornano’s Hip hop dancing to purify MRI room of st Marguerite Hospital, Marseille
Gaspard d’Ornano’s Hip hop dancing to purify MRI room of st Marguerite Hospital, Marseille
Butterfly Dance to enchant MRI machine, St.Marguerite Hospital, Marseille
Butterfly Dance to enchant MRI machine, St.Marguerite Hospital, Marseille
Zap atelier
Making of : Artistic atelier inside Timone Hopsital, Marseille
Making of : Artistic atelier inside Timone Hopsital, Marseille